Childhood Obesity…Thanks to the Help of School Lunches

In today's NY Times , there's a short piece on how school lunches (which list corn and potatoes (as in 'tater tots') as the veggie portion of many of their selections) contribute to childhood obesity. The staggering fact is that across America, it is the anomaly to see a child of a healthy weight, than to see […]

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Paleo Babies… and Mamas to Be!

  Wondering whether The Paleo Diet is suitable for kids?   Click HERE for living proof that it is! The blog is written by "Whitney", and here is her overview:    "We're a family of three who have been eating Paleo/Primal for about two years now. It was my diet throughout pregnancy and has continued […]

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Paleo Book Recommendation- PRIMAL CUTS

I LOVE cookbooks.  Classic ones, Mastering The Art of French Cooking, by Julia Child, must haves, like Thomas Keller's French Laundry and, of course, the Cordon Bleu Cooking Encyclopedia from my culinary school days. No, those books are NOT Paleo, BUT the amount of ideas they've given me, as well as challenges to Paleo–ize recipes […]

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Simple Sprouts

For those of you who are enjoying the sprout recipe in The Paleo Diet Cookbook, here's yet another way of preparing them! -Wash & halve sprouts. -Toss with olive oil, freshly chopped shallots and a few pieces of thinly sliced, leftover steak. -Heat the oven to 500, and heat the empty roasting pan, too! -Place […]

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