Better Than A Cuppa…

We’re all on our laptops these days, and depending on the industry we work in, for some, myself included, we can be quite mobile. As someone who needs a change of scene and who prefers not to be stuck to the screen too long, I tend to enjoy working from several of the fine local […]

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Tricky Holiday Dining Event #5: The Grand Finale, Dessert

Think back to the holiday season of 2014. What was the outcome of your approach to eating during that time, and, in particular, how did you handle the main holiday meal? Maybe you started the day with a workout, eliciting a more sensitive insulin response, allowing you to more efficiently process the excess carbs, and […]

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Tricky Holiday Dining Event #4: Hosting the Holiday Meal

Hosting the holiday dinner in your own home is quite possibly the easiest route to go. Unless you’re someone who doesn’t enjoy cooking, preparing the holiday meal in your very own kitchen allows you to take complete control over what will be served, rest assured there are no tricky hidden ingredients to be cautious of […]

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Holiday Eating Strategy # 4: Focus on Flavor

We’ve thought about eating more fat. We know we’ve got to cut the sugar. In addition, we now know that a trip down memory lane is facilitated more by our sense of smell than our sense of taste. But one last thing we haven’t considered is how to capitalize on taste without compromising on health […]

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