This is just a hunch, but I’m guessing it must have to do with the fact that they are, for no better words, quick and easy. Whether they were first introduced as a ‘bodybuilding supplement’ or part of the treatment for various illnesses involving muscle wasting, I do not know, but what I do know […]
Read More ›Just when you thought you’d seen the most obscene example of food porn, along comes something that takes the gluten-free cake. What on earth is the point of vegan nacho sauce? Yes, I get the ethical implications of not eating dairy but one of the main facets of a vegan approach is the quest […]
Read More ›Nope. Not remotely. But that doesn’t mean there is not a time and place for them. While it’s no surprise that far too many people are given a prescription when it’s probably not necessary, such as when fighting a cold or flu, when I read about situations where parents opt not to give their children […]
Read More ›I’d have to say that beans not being part of True Paleo living is one thing most of my clients have the most difficulty understanding. Many people are at least aware that there is controversy over whether or not dairy is good for us, and the same goes for gluten and processed grains. Whether or […]
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