Unraveling Eczema Article Barely Mentions Diet

An article in last Tuesday’s  NY Times focused on  And there, in the second to last paragraph, were a mere two short sentence suggesting that one might want to also look at their diet, too: “Food allergies show up as eczema in some patients. Eliminating one potential culprit at a time, like dairy products, eggs or […]

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Doctors Prescribing Real Food- It’s About Time!

A great piece on NPR’s blog, The Salt, was a breath of fresh air.   “NYC Doctors Are Now Prescribing Fruits And Veggies” is the title of the article that reviews a “new program in New York City has doctors prescribing fruits and vegetables to obese or overweight patients.” It continues along to describe how […]

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Too Hot To Cook?

I grew up in New York in an 1887 Victorian Home.   Why is it necessary to mention the type of house my parents bought?   Because in 1887, there was no air conditioning and my Dad, being the traditionalist he is opted to leave the house as much true to its roots as possible. […]

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Cherries Are Here!

Yes, I get excited about seeing the arrival of certain fruits or veggies at particular times each year.   I should qualify that and say ‘arrival of local varieties of certain fruits and veggies each year’ because the unfortunate truth is that I could actually get the fruit that’s the star of this post at […]

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