Every morning, when I check my email, I scan through my Google alerts. Whereas as recently as just a few years ago, the alerts would draw attention to a new study that had been done or a book that had been released, the notifications today are now bordering on, or beyond, laughable. Scrolling down the […]
Read More ›Think about what that term really means and how we take for granted what the underlying message is, such as some of the following false, but common beliefs: Pain is something to have, then manage, usually with some type of pills. Further, pain is just part of getting older, right? If you have pain […]
Read More ›The classical techniques of Yoga date back more than 5,000 years. Paleo dates back…just a tad bit longer (2,495,000 years more, but who’s counting). Suffice it to say that cavemen and their female counterparts didn’t likely partake. However, when I read about an event like Wanderlust, festivals which, according to their site, are ” all-out, ecstatic […]
Read More ›An article on NPR’s website, asks whether a ‘trendy diet could be making dogs sick’. Guess what ‘trend’ they were referring to? Yes, the brand- new, never been tried before, Paleo regime. Right. Because it hasn’t been around for 2.5 million years? After the initial visceral, skeptical response I experienced by the title, I […]
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