Gluten-Free is Not a Punishment

I happened to glance at the cover of a magazine the other day when checking out at Whole Foods.  An entire magazine dedicated to gluten free living!  Initially, I thought it was fantastic, but then after seeing the titles of some of the articles, I realized that it could easily be interpreted that the positioning […]

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According to a Study…

Flipping through a silly magazine in my local nail shop the other day (I’ve confessed already that I’m guilty of reading the ones that are always lying about), I paused on a page with a giant picture of chocolate because of the corresponding headline: “Eat to Beat Cravings”. Oh, geez, I thought, but of course, […]

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Bison Versus Grass Fed Beef- Which is Better?

Both! The more variety, the better; this goes for proteins as well as produce. The most important things are: To make sure either meat is 100% grass fed.  It needs to state that, otherwise, without the 100%, it can be legally called grass  fed, even though it may be grain finished.  Argh.  Another blog topic! […]

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