How many people do you know who feel they need to recover from a workout with a smoothie made with a whey- based protein powder? And how many of those people differentiate between recovering from a six hour Ironman training ride and a one hour strength session in the gym? Through no fault of their […]
Read More ›Last week, I focused on National Heart Month, with blog posts on what Paleo foods help to promote heart health. Actually, let me rephrase; all Paleo foods help heart health! I simply chose some of my favorites to illustrate a balance of fats, proteins and carbohydrate to outline how following a Paleo regime is far from […]
Read More ›Nope, not talking about the drug-induced type! Rather, the last week I spent in Mexico. Aside from the fact that every time I travel there, I find myself gradually easing a mindset of being relaxed while at the same time being productive and focused (ok, maybe more so when I’m here on business compared to […]
Read More ›Greetings from Mexico! Nope, I’m not coming to you poolside, sipping a margarita, whiling away the time reading a silly chick-lit book. I’m actually here for work, but it hardly feels that way! Nearly six years ago, I began working with a gentleman who’s become one of my longest- term clients and best referral sources. […]
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