It’s Just Food. Why is That So Surprising?

There is nothing tricky to the Paleo approach.   I often hesitate to call it a diet as that can imply a direct endpoint as well as infer a host of other unattractive, negative associations such as deprivation, restriction for a while, followed by a frustrated binge and then a repeat of the cycle over […]

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Livestrong, You’ve Got It Right!

When I saw the subject line of a recent article on Livestrong, I had to admit, I cringed. “7 Healthy Paleo Dinner Recipes” sent me straight to all the pseudo Paleo ideas out there- things using grass-fed dairy, or gluten-free soy sauce or huge amounts of honey…but happily, none of these things applied! Whoever contributed […]

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Paleo Recipes That Aren’t

I just came across a Pinterest page entitled Healthy Paleo Snacks and Treats.  Of course, I had to take a peek. And, of course, many of the recipes were just…not. A few in particular that stood out:  Guilt-Free Ice Cream! Just 3 ingredients: frozen bananas, peanut butter, and cocoa powder (peanut butter?) 1/2 cup peanut […]

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Healthy School Lunches- Forever An Oxymoron?

I certainly hope not. But there’s clearly a lot of work that needs to be done. Just this past week, I had an opportunity to speak at length with a woman who teaches kindergarten at one of New York City’s Public Schools. She commented that yes, there are vegetables offered, but they’re so horribly prepared […]

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