Tomatillo Salsa

Salsa has GOT to be one of the easiest things to make! Really, there is no formula that you must follow; and I'm often a fan of 'throwing in a little of this, and throwing in a little of that' methodology! Last night, I made a tomatillo salsa in my  mini prep food processor in […]

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What To Do When Your Paleo DISH Goes WRONG!

You're expecting your guests at 7PM for a nice glass of wine before dinner.  You've set the table, lit the candles and set out the menu. It's 6:30. The braised pork tenderloin you're going to serve has been in the oven at a low temp for a few hours and should just about be ready, […]

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It’s A ‘WRAP’

Nope- I'm not going to be suggesting you use a pita, a lavash or tortilla (come on, now it's nothing more than flattened bread- and it's NOT paleo!) to tidy up a heap of free range turkey, arugula, avocado and sliced peach! I'm talking about 'the original wrap'… how about some skin? I, for one, […]

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Chicken, Cherries and HCAs

Chicken?  Sounds good.  Cherries?  Same.  HCA's?  What the? HCAs are heterocyclic amines which are chemicals formed when muscle meat, including beef, pork, fish, or poultry, is cooked using high-temperature methods, such as pan frying or grilling directly over an open flame. Found in particularly high concentration in chicken skin, they're linked to elevated levels of certain […]

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