Are Green Beans Paleo?

Since green beans are ‘pick and eat’ doesn’t that mean they’re ok to eat on the Paleo diet?  And snap peas? Unfortunately, simply being able to eat ‘as is’ doesn’t mean they’re a  healthy option; all legumes contain anti nutrient properties which can prevent us from properly absorbing the nutrients we get from the other […]

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Canned Coconut Milk: Can This Be Paleo?

Possibly, but not usually. With the exception of a very few brands, which are often hard to come by, most canned coconut milk contain the stabilizer, guar gum, which is derived from a bean and is a potent source of anti nutrients.  For some, it also causes GI distress.  According to wikipedia, “it has almost […]

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Fat Burning Pills, Powders and Potions… Really?

“I lost ten pounds in one week simply by adding ‘Brand X’ to my daily regime!“, claimed a happy customer on the website of one of the (unfortunately) popular fat-burning supplement companies. Not only does this statement reinforce a popular misconception, that we can easily get a quick fix for weight loss, it perpetuates what […]

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The Gluten-Free Bandwagon

According to a recent article in Ad-Age, the gluten-free industry has amassed $4.2 billion in sales so far in 2013. Sounds like a pretty good reason to jump on, doesn’t it? Set aside the fact that roughly 3 million Americans who are diagnosed with Celiac might have, at one time, been the sole target audience; […]

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