Restructured Meat

Did I hear that correctly?  Unfortunately, yes.  Today on  NPR it was that very phrase that made me stop, mid-kale-preparation (and you know, that takes something pretty big) to make sure my ears weren’t playing tricks on me. Nope. Curious to know what that means? I sure was. Here’s what I found: “According to Chicago […]

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Ramon Nuts: What Are They And Are They Paleo?

This was an inquiry I received recently, to which I had to reply in earnest, I have no idea. I went ahead and researched a little and found out the following tidbits: They’re also called Maya Nuts and breadnuts (as they have traditionally used in making flat-bread) They have a chocolaty taste and are often […]

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A Dispute Over “No Crash” Post Energy Drink

Interesting.   According to an article in the Times, the claim that the 5-hour Energy Shot brand had about its product not causing a ‘crash’ (the ‘letdown that consumers often feel when an energy drink’s beverage wears off’) is being disputed. Whether or not there is a post-consumption crash, in my opinion, is not the […]

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Some Crust!

OK, I get it. You’re just not digging my suggestion to go for the naked (as in crust-less) apple, pumpkin or pecan pie?   Feeling like without the pastry it’s just not the same. This may be a time for the ‘substitute flours’, like almond or coconut, for example. Once in a while, when something […]

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