Why Did I Eat That?

I was at Whole Foods doing my weekly shop.  Given what I do for a living as well as the fact that I so thoroughly enjoy everything related to planning, procuring and prepping meals for myself and family, I do my best to allocate sufficient time so I’m not rushed. As such, as I passed […]

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Strawberry Tops, Broccoli Stalks & Chard Stems

Why is it that we automatically throw the greens on the top of a strawberry, the stalks of broccoli or the sweet, tender stems of Swiss Chard away? Well, I used to do that, to be completely honest. I have no idea who I saw just eat the red of the strawberry or the ‘tree’ […]

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Recover With High Protein Pasta?

This, unfortunately, was the title of an article on active.com recently. While some of the facts stated early on in the piece, such as the good old stand-by of “carbohydrates are the preferred energy source in the body” and “athletes training competitively on successive days need to consume a diet of 60 – 70 % […]

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B-12 & Other ‘Infusions’…Are They Paleo?

What is your stance on B-12 injections and other vitamin infusions? I know that in theory, if executing a proper Paleo diet, this shouldn’t be necessary. But what if you’ve made the transition and need a “boost” to get you from point A to B? Another great inquiry came in the other day that I thought […]

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