A Makeover for Leftover Turkey

No need to feel compelled to do the same-old leftover turkey soup the day after Thanksgiving….or on Boxing Day, either! Of course, it is an incredibly easy way to use up the leftovers, but depending on how much exactly is leftover, you could potentially be setting yourself and your family up for turkey-inundation, or a […]

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Happy PALEO Thanksgiving!

  With a little planing, you can be true to your body and enjoy the holiday without the consequences you might face if you were to load up on grains, dairy, gluten and sugar!   And, by the way… the idea that people feel sleeping on Thanksgiving from the Tryptophan in turkey?  Come on!  Do […]

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Chronic Cardio & Paleo

There’s a school of thought that opposes the idea of racing Ironman or engaging in long bouts of cardiovascular activity, and some who feel any cardiovascular activity is contraindicated, too. “Chronic cardio”, a relatively new term, refers to long, steady state training at >75% of max heart rate. Marathoning, ultra running, and ironman triathlon racing are […]

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Celebrating the Fourth, Paleo Style

It needn’t be hot dogs, baked beans and beer, followed by root beer floats, as you watch the local fireworks display in your neighborhood. (Incidentally, did you know that root beer has one of the highest levels of the antinutrients, saponins, of all ‘edible’ foods?  Not that we should be drinking any kind of soft […]

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