Can We Stop Trash Talking Paleo, Please?

It’s one thing when someone tries a paleo diet and decides for personal reasons, whatever they may be, that they actually do want to eat bread, or cheese or whatever other food that may not happen to be part of the approach. Each and every one of us can decide what we want to put […]

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Meditation, Yoga, Fitness…and Booze?

Wait a sec! Wasn’t that last part supposed to say ‘cold pressed kale juice with a ginger and cayenne twist’? Nope. You read it correctly. And yes, all four, and then some, are now being offered under the same roof in venues from Los Angeles to the Big Apple. In an article entitled Mind, Body, […]

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Fat is the New Sugar So Put it in Your Tea

You’ve heard of Bullet Proof coffee, haven’t you? Touted as the ticket to weight loss and improved mental focus, an article published recently[1] on had a bit of a bone to pick with it. With statements including “BP coffee is a big cup of fat” which “may not lead up to its promises” that […]

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My Ironman Cozumel

Buenos Dias! Enjoying one last day here in Cozumel before heading home to welcome in December (and Christmas!). Yesterday I raced Ironman Cozumel and there couldn’t have been better conditions. Perfect air temperature, low wind and a relatively calm swim with the exception of the intermittent sting I’d feel from the tiny jellyfish, visible to […]

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