Beautify Yourself a Little More

Los Angeles Magazine. LA Yoga. Soul Cycle. Ever heard of any of these companies? If you’re an Angeleno, or even if you’re not, but you’re someone who’s interested in the health, wellness, fitness and nutrition space, chances are high that you’re not only familiar with them, but you read them, take the classes and live […]

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National Stress Awareness Day

  OMG! Everything’s happening at once. The kids are late for school, the dog has tracked in a twenty-foot trail of mud and your boss just sent you a text to notify you that the noon presentation has been moved up an hour. You suddenly feel like it’s becoming hard to breath and it’s all […]

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We Can Do Better Than A Sandwich for Healthy Yet Quick!

Wondering why you may be seeing all kinds of promos for buy one get one free at Subway or deep discounts at your local deli? Today is Sandwich Day. Sandwiches, a daily luncheon staple for millions of Americans, have a history that dates back about 250 years. John Montagu was the 4th Earl of Sandwich. […]

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It’s All About What We Eat

If I had a nickel for every time I had a conversation about body weight, body fat percentage or being lean which resulted in someone assuming that I look a certain way because I happen to race marathons and ironman and not almost completely because of what I eat…I’d have a lot of nickels! It’s […]

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