It’s National Pumpkin Day!

What’s orange and round and making an appearance all over the place at this time of year? Yup, you guessed it; we’re talking pumpkins today in honor of National Pumpkin Day! Whether you carve them, eat them, or even use them for a DIY beauty treatment, this seasonal squash is quite the useful plant to […]

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Massage Right After Marathon?

You did it! You crossed the finish line! Whether it’s your first attempt at running 26.2 or you’re a seasoned marathon veteran, going the distance and breaking the tape under the clock is a feeling like no other. As soon as you’ve stopped running, there are several things to do right away, both to tend […]

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Deep Water Running

Wondering how hitting the pool differs from dry land? Any runner who’s either been temporarily sidelined due to injury or has worked with a coach who sees the value of utilizing different running surfaces has likely at least heard about water running. As someone who absolutely loves running more than any other sport, I will state […]

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Do You Really Need Different Shoes for Different Sports?

Athletic footwear shouldn’t be regarded as one size fits all.   Not only is the perfect shoe going to be different from person to person, it’s going to vary based on activity. Running shoes have come a long way from their humble inception back in the 1920s when seven time Boston Marathon winner Clarence deMar […]

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