The Ph of Paleo

If one of the benefits of following the Paleo diet is that it yields a net alkaline pH in the body, how does meat factor in, since it’s got an acidic value on the pH scale?  And what about citrus fruits; aren’t they quite acidic? Two words: big picture. Yes, meat in and of itself […]

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Paleo in the Press

There’s no doubting that Paleo is definitely making its presence known more often these days, and while most of the media is still presenting it as ‘difficult to stick to’, ‘possibly lacking in calcium’, ‘too high in protein’ and other skewed negative commentary, the thing I fail to understand is why so many are spending […]

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It’s Not Always About the Salmon

Don’t get me wrong… I love, love, love wild salmon- raw, cedar-plank roasted or grilled, but if you’re thinking it’s the only healthy fish out there, get ready to stand corrected. Think Black Cod. Also known as Butterfish (and they are, indeed, oh-so-buttery in terms of texture) or Sablefish, and coming in from the not […]

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