Smaller Portions Coming Soon!

I actually feel a bit embarrassed when I travel abroad and face a question posed by many: Why are your portions in the US so gigantic? Gulp. It wasn’t my idea. We’ve likely all seen the documentaries which detail how small a burger and soda were in the 50s…compare that to present day.   I […]

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Why Make Changes? Just Stick on a Band-Aid!

A client shared an ad with me the other day; it was for a six minute video featuring an elderly, overweight women sharing about how her diabetic nerve pain became so debilitating, she had to seek medication.  Despite the potential side effects (copied and pasted from Lyrica’s own site) below, she opted to take it […]

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Chewy Meat?

Wondering why that ‘stew’ meat you bought turned out so chewy?   It’s not as though you bought cheap meat, in which case you might expect it to be a little on the tough side.  After all, you made the effort to be sure it was 100% grass fed and, since you were making kabobs, […]

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Paleo Takes the Blame…Inappropriately

Let’s face it.  Paleo is still greatly misunderstood by the masses, and those masses, unfortunately, tend to include doctors, nurses, dietitians and many other ‘healthcare’ providers. Why else would it be commonplace for people of all ages, in varying degrees of health or illness, to be told that their ‘radical diet’ may be to blame […]

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