Here's a salad that can stand alone as an entree, if you add some grilled shrimp, chicken or steak, or as a starter without… Combine fresh papaya, julienned carrot, sliced scallion, minced mint and cilantro with fresh lime juice and a 1/2 a jalapeno (or the whole thing if you want a LOT of […]
Read More ›Last Tuesday's USA Triathlon e-digest had an article about 'great' foods to eat for recovery including the following, with my Paleo 'fine-tooth editing comb' highlights of the non Paleo suggestions, in red: "4 slices (3-4 ounces) of turkey breast on a slice or two of multigrain bread (mayo is OK, but don't overdo it) and […]
Read More ›With the Tour de France just a couple of days away, it was wonderfully refreshing to read about the professional cycling team, Garmin-Slipstream, NOT filling themselves up to the brim with pasta! While it's not Paleo (as it includes some rice), it's a huge step in the right direction! (Skip this!!) A recent article on […]
Read More ›A recent article that one of my regular readers sent me a link to an article which discusses the "National Milk Mustache “got milk?®” Campaign along with USA Today, which recognizes 25 outstanding high school senior student athletes who represent excellence in academics, athletics, community service and leadership and include milk in their diets." It goes […]
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