Heirloom Tomatoes-A Must Try for Tomato-phobes!

I've heard, on more than one occasion, people commenting that they don't like tomato because they're 'mushy' or 'don't taste like anything'.    Tomatoes seem to be one of the easiest fruits to buy and eat poor examples of. Not surprising, if you consider how often they're grown far away, picked way too early, then […]

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A Giant, Fresh Fig…

Another cool find while grocery shopping… the biggest fig I've ever seen! A great source of Potassium and dietary fibre, they're also absolutely delicious in a salad- which is exactly what became of the one you see above! Shown above- tossed with arugula, roasted beets, lemon and tomato infused olive oil and a light dusting […]

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The Cherimoya

I do practice what I preach, and so when I suggest to clients that they 'try a new fruit and/or veg each week', it's based on something I do myself!  One of the many beauties of The Paleo Diet is that we can enjoy such a multitude of fresh fruits and veggies, one needn't ever […]

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Searing Steak Sans Smoke

Dear Nell,  How do you keep your house from filling with smoke when you sear meat?  I have to use my exhaust fan AND another fan to prevent smoking up the place! Thanks, Linda Linda,  Thanks for your inquiry!  Try the following suggestions:  Make sure you're using a very hot cast iron skillet (remember, for […]

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