A Typical Training Day of Nell’s Paleo Meals

Dear Nell, What does a typical day of eating #The Paleo DIet look like for you, both for a day when you are training, as well as when you have an off-day? Following is  a sample of what I might have during any given weekday with two workouts; I'll post an off-day sample on tomorrow's […]

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Another Chance to Keep Paleo While Traveling

Here's what I had last week when I arrived in NY's JFK airport: OK- A couple of necessary bullet points: 1) No- I'm not suggesting everyone make it a habit to eat at Subway; rather you can make a salad with their sliced turkey, lettuce, tomato, red onion and olive oil.   2) Yes- the […]

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Sweet & Savory – Shrimp, Avocado & Mango Starter

Be adventurous and don't worry about mixing sweet and savory. Think outside the box:  one of my favorite starters for a dinner party is a light, fresh avocado, tomato, mango and jumbo shrimp chopped salad, drizzled with lime, pressed into a cylindrical food-mold (as in to create a shape, not as in 'old, moldy food'!), […]

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Carne Asada for Labor Day? Cooking with Beer? Think Again!

Unlike a glass of red wine, beer does NOT have a place in a paleolithic eating regime.  Remember, 'no grains' includes items sourced from grains as well, and beer certainly falls into that category.  Regardless of whether you're thinking of drinking it, or using it in a marinade, it's still got grains, so it's still […]

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