The other day I wrote about the importance of not feeling stuck in a rut with your Paleo food choices. If all you ever eat is pastured chicken, steamed broccoli and olive oil, while you’d be far ahead of the curve of what many Americans eat, you’d still be selling yourself a bit short by […]
Read More ›Imagine being able to savor the taste of a freshly baked pecan pie, the ‘cinnamony’ flavor of an apple compote or the ubiquitous accompaniment- a scoop of vanilla ice cream to complement either traditional dessert. While there are certainly no lack of ‘Paleo-ized’ versions of these dishes to be found online or in many of […]
Read More ›Are you hosting Thanksgiving this year and having a bit of a panic about preparing the pièce de résistance? You’re not alone. From seasoned cooks (pardon the pun) to those who consider themselves kitchen newbies, many people get a case of the jitters when it comes to serving the perfectly roast turkey; not too dry, […]
Read More ›Don’t be cheeky, now! I’m referring to a way to keep those walnuts, macadamias and Brazil nuts at their freshest! Because of their high fat content, nuts kept in the freezer can be eaten in that state. They won’t freeze into a rock-solid piece of ice the way a piece of lean chicken or veggies […]
Read More ›No problem…but you’re missing out. Opting not to eat wild animals such as boar, elk, antelope isn’t necessarily a problem in and of itself, but if you find yourself only eating chicken breast and eggs as your sole means of protein, you may be compromising your diet. Wild meats tend to be higher in healthy […]
Read More ›Last week, I had the opportunity to experience something I’d only dreamed of- Paleo Haute Cuisine in an upscale restaurant in a popular area of a big city. No, I’m not making it up or stretching the truth- and you absolutely must try this the next time you’re in LA because it’s wasn’t just a […]
Read More ›Since green beans are ‘pick and eat’ doesn’t that mean they’re ok to eat on the Paleo diet? And snap peas? Unfortunately, simply being able to eat ‘as is’ doesn’t mean they’re a healthy option; all legumes contain anti nutrient properties which can prevent us from properly absorbing the nutrients we get from the other […]
Read More ›If beef barley or chicken noodle used to be your go-to soups as the seasonal weather descends upon us, you may be at a loss with regard to how to be hearty…and Paleo. While grains and beans are no longer going to cut it, we can find a lovely balance of healthy, hearty and Paleo […]
Read More ›As the holidays approach, regardless of where one stands on being Paleo or not, it’s a common concern to be thinking about how to effectively deal with tempting treats at the office, desserts at parties and an over abundance of sweets in general. More often than not, the message we get from the media, whether […]
Read More ›What if the word ‘Paleo’ didn’t exist? What if we could just go into any restaurant and know that the beef were grass fed, that it wouldn’t be cooked in butter or manufactured oils and that it wouldn’t have been marinated in soy to ‘texturize’ it, courtesy of the glutamic acid (MSG) it contains? And […]
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