Paleo Living Included in Beauty Regime

Finally! Friday’s Wall Street Journal featured an article on the “Texan Beauty Maven”, Sunday Riley, in which she lists her top beauty secrets.   There, amongst the usual recommendations like using sunscreen, getting massage and exercising, was a mention of the Paleo diet being part of a beauty regime. To some, that might sound vain, […]

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Plant-Based Versus Paleo: What’s the Diff?

It always interesting to me to consider what people think of when they use the phrase plant-based. For some, it means vegan.  For others, it means simply incorporating more veggies and fruit, as well as beans, legumes…anything that grew at some point, regardless of how much processing went into it. If we stop and think […]

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It Is SO All About The Diet!

How did we ever come up with the idea that the winning formula to the body we’ve always wanted is:  “exercise for ‘x’ number of minutes per day (possibly hating every minute of it )+ eat ‘healthfully’ but ‘with everything in moderation”? It is not. What you eat is far more than half the equation. […]

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Paleo & Dementia – Any Connection?

Like  many of the sicknesses we see today, which diet can cause or worsen, it’s worth investigating what one’s diet is who is in the early throes of  Dementia or Alzheimer’s. Let’s start with what they both are.  The Mayo Clinic provides a succinct definition: “The term dementia refers to a set of symptoms, not […]

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De-fuzzing Peaches?

Today I learned of yet another way we have the ability to adulterate produce. We can de-fuzz peaches. I’m not talking about washing off a fresh peach and then gently drying it off with a cloth, during which some of the ‘fuzz’ might come off.   Nope, I’m talking about either mechanically assaulting, chemically treating, […]

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Is Salt Really All That Bad?

A pinch here or there may not be, especially for athletes who are sweating out their precious electrolytes. But what about the average (sedentary) Joe who’s trying his best to go Paleo, and thinking it’s not such a big deal, because he’s got normal blood pressure?  All systems go? Not quite. Excessive sodium in the […]

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Is the Wax On Produce Safe?

Not really.    Another reason to buy local and organic, rather than remote and conventional is to avoid eating wax.   From a manufacturing point of view, where cost is of utmost importance, preserving a food for as long as possible to reduce lost would be a top priority.  If wax is applied to foods, […]

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Are Olives Paleo?

Most, unfortunately, are cured in high amounts of sodium and as such, are not in keeping with the Paleo guidelines. However, if you use an uncured olive, which is literally, just the olive, you can incorporate them easily into Paleo cooking.   Raw olives are rarely palatable eaten right off of the tree; they require […]

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