Kids love a contest. So do many adults, for that matter. So what a great way to get them interested in healthy eating? Aside from the health benefits they’ll glean, which, at age 10 might not be too exciting of a goal, why not make the prize a little more ‘pie in the sky’? […]
Read More ›Bad joke, maybe.. but the point is, there’s no good reason why we shouldn’t eat the whole egg. Not just the whites. I’ll ‘fess up; for years, I only ate the whites. I turned my nose up at the yolks thinking they were ‘too high in cholesterol’ and ‘loaded with fat’ and they ended up […]
Read More ›Oh, dear. How have we gotten to a place where we’re thinking that such a thing as Paleo Flour even exists? It doesn’t. Can we prepare a Paleo-derived ‘treat’ once in a while for a special occasion? Of course! Who wouldn’t enjoy a flour-less ‘cake’ on their anniversary made from raw cacao, coconut oil, banana, […]
Read More ›Eating clean Paleo and feeling great…mostly? That seemingly benign multi vitamin you take on a daily basis could be the culprit.. as could the vitamin E tablet or the green powder you stir into your water every morning. All with the best of intentions, yet you could be sabotaging your Paleo efforts. How so? Because […]
Read More ›I just learned that yesterday was National Eat Your Veggies Day. Alas, I also missed the huge holiday that happened on June 7th- National Donut Day. I suppose there is a day for everything? How about National Go Paleo Day? Even better, National Paleo Month? Can you imagine a scenario in which everyone made […]
Read More ›It happens time and time again. A friend, or family member or blog reader shares their all too similar tale: They’ve gone to their doctor after not feeling great and have come home with a fist full of prescriptions. The doctor hasn’t asked about what they eat, whether or not they engage in any physical […]
Read More ›I have fond recollections of spending weekends with my grandparents; my grandmother was never anything but kind to me and it was through her that I first found my love of cooking. She seemed to be able to prepare a lovely meal out of the very basics without ever presenting anything less than fantastic. […]
Read More ›Have you read the latest? “The Rise of the Lady Paleos: How a Dubious Diet Aimed at Men Appeals to Women, Too” opens with ‘The Paleo Diet has always been difficult to take seriously“. It has? According to the author, apparently those who adhere to Paleo are either “hypermasculine men who install meat lockers in […]
Read More ›I’m not exactly sure how this happened over the course of probably a couple hundred years, but why does it seem that many people are happy to eat skeletal muscle of animal, but distgusted to eat any other ‘bits’, like organ meats or marrow? Before you were Paleo, did you ever eat a hot dog? […]
Read More ›Not in the mood to roast a turkey or grill a chicken and thinking you’ll just pop into the butcher or grocery store and pick up some sliced deli meat to make it easy? Hold on a sec… While pre-cooked ‘deli’ meat may be a feasible option for once in a while, if, and only […]
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