Paleo in the NY Times?

Ok, not really.  But almost.  In my favorite part, the Wednesday Dining Section, of course, amidst a restaurant review of a place in San Fran, my eyes fell upon the following phrase: “It was like having dinner in a drafty but luxurious cave owned by an extremely sophisticated hunter-gatherer…” There it is. No, the restaurant […]

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Farmer’s Market Finds

Anyone out there in LA?  If so, you’re likely familiar with one of the best farmer’s markets around, the Santa Monica Wednesday Market at the Promenade. As per their website:  The Santa Monica Farmers Markets are committed to promoting healthful eating and sustainable agriculture in California by providing fresh agricultural products from small farms to […]

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Gluten-Free is Not a Punishment

I happened to glance at the cover of a magazine the other day when checking out at Whole Foods.  An entire magazine dedicated to gluten free living!  Initially, I thought it was fantastic, but then after seeing the titles of some of the articles, I realized that it could easily be interpreted that the positioning […]

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Making (Grocery) Shopping Fun

I felt I had to add the little “(Grocery)” bit to the title, in order to not trick anyone with the nature of this post.  Don’t get me wrong, I love a trip to my favorite store for a new pair of heels or a dress, but let me get back on track to where […]

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Sprinkle on the Kelp

Since we’re not dumping salt on our meals in the Paleo lifestyle, is there anything we can sprinkle on, last minute, after food is cooked, to give it a little extra flavor? Absolutely! In addition to any dried herbs and spices (caveat being that it needs to be ‘just’ the spice, no additives), why not […]

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According to a Study…

Flipping through a silly magazine in my local nail shop the other day (I’ve confessed already that I’m guilty of reading the ones that are always lying about), I paused on a page with a giant picture of chocolate because of the corresponding headline: “Eat to Beat Cravings”. Oh, geez, I thought, but of course, […]

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Bison Versus Grass Fed Beef- Which is Better?

Both! The more variety, the better; this goes for proteins as well as produce. The most important things are: To make sure either meat is 100% grass fed.  It needs to state that, otherwise, without the 100%, it can be legally called grass  fed, even though it may be grain finished.  Argh.  Another blog topic! […]

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This Is Not Approved by the FDA

“Clinically shown to support a healthy heart and anti inflammatory response; supports brain, eye and neurological health” is the tagline underneath the brand name of my favorite fish oil. But then: “These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.”   Verbatim, […]

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What’s Wrong With Jerky?

Nothing, in and of itself.     The concept makes a lot of sense; it’s a way to take a great source of protein, such as wild salmon or grass fed beef, cook it and make it far less perishable, thus allowing it to be transported without refrigeration and resulting in a viable protein option […]

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