Don’t get me wrong… I love, love, love wild salmon- raw, cedar-plank roasted or grilled, but if you’re thinking it’s the only healthy fish out there, get ready to stand corrected. Think Black Cod. Also known as Butterfish (and they are, indeed, oh-so-buttery in terms of texture) or Sablefish, and coming in from the not […]
Read More ›CBS news reported yesterday that “smaller sodas were set to hit New York City eateries tomorrow until New York Supreme Court Judge Milton Tingling struck down the plan and ruled that the city may not enforce the new regulation. The ban, which was set to take place today, applied to sugary drinks larger than 16 ounces […]
Read More ›One needn’t necessarily be a fan of cooking shows or celebrity chefs to have heard of Jamie Oliver and his Food Revolution. I, for one, am a fan. The idea of raising awareness of the appalling state of ‘food’ given out to kids across America at lunchtime when there in school is desperately needed. Jamie […]
Read More ›So what does that exactly mean? The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics states on their site that the 2013 theme is “Eat Right, Your Way, Every Day” and that they it “encourages personalized healthy eating styles that recognize food preferences, lifestyle, cultural and ethnic traditions and health concerns that impact all food choices”. And, […]
Read More ›Now we’ve got to contend with the idea of having aspartame hidden in the dairy products, too? Of course, the best case scenario would be if none of us would buy milk anymore, however the likelihood of that happening anytime soon is slim to none. However, there seems to be a huge out-cry, thankfully, at […]
Read More ›One needn’t have any training in marketing or advertising to understand one often seen common goal- to sell something. So, think about this- you’re a big company with lots of product to sell. Wouldn’t it be great if there was some way you could do something to make your customers automatically buy more product? Make […]
Read More ›“Never miss another workout. Commit to exercise. Check-in at the gym, track outdoor workouts via RunKeeper, or workout at work or home with GymPact Anywhere .Earn cash for meeting your goal, paid for by non-exercisers!” What’s this, then? Ah, a new APP which was created by two recent Harvard grads, which is based on the premise that […]
Read More ›Let’s face it. A muffin is just cake in another shape. Sure, you can try to fool yourself into thinking it’s healthy because ‘it has raisins in it’ or ‘it’s a great source of fibre’, but the reality is that it’s almost always going to have some form of refined sugar, some form of […]
Read More ›There’s a new book out in England and it’s the diet you’ve been looking for: (Please note the sarcasm in my written voice here) it’s the 5:2 diet! Fast for two days during the week and eat whatever the heck you want the other five. Co-written by a doctor (and we know that gives […]
Read More ›“Every Monday we feature a non-meat dish in participation with the Meatless Monday initiative. Going meatless, even for just one day, is a great way to save money, eat healthily, and help Mother Earth” was the opening line in one of the food/diet/nutrition newsletters I receive on any given day. My first response to reading […]
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