On The Subject of Paleo Dogs…

The other day, after returning from a trip out of town, I picked up Daisy, my Weim, from the ranch she stays when we travel.  While I waited for her in the lobby, one of the kennel techs came in to announce that one of the dogs was ready to eat, therefore her ice cream […]

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Health Food?

Health food is a term that we’ve all seen before.  We can go to a health food store, venture down the health food aisle in many a grocery store or veer off to the health food section even in chain pharmacies like Duane Read or Rite Aid. The term rolls of the tongue without a […]

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Teeth Like A Caveman

How’d you like to have teeth like a caveman? Admittedly, the phrase does not exactly bring an image of shiny, pearly whites to mind. Not surprisingly, though, a new study which was pointed out to me by a blog reader in the UK illustrates how our modern day diet is helping to cause tooth decay […]

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No, it’s not a real URL, yet, but why not start the conversation? It dawns on me that if we can all be more vocal about asking for veggies, maybe our voices will begin to be heard. Consider this not to be a Paleo post; if we take a step back and look at all […]

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Thank You, Hu

Yesterday, I had the opportunity to eat lunch at what felt like something Paleo dreams are made of. HU Kitchen, in NYC’s Union Square, is hands down, the most Paleo friendly place I’ve eaten at to date. I’d been introduced to HU and its founders by a client months earlier, but hadn’t been in town […]

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Easy Takes the Stage

I’ve heard it time and time again.  Easy, fast and quick options far too often become the choice when the rubber hits the road.   Most clients get it.  They understand why dairy, grains and legumes are a no go and the harm they do to our bodies.  They do a great job at staying […]

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But They Won’t Cover Acupuncture…

I read earlier this week that some health insurance policies at twenty-odd universities across the country will now cover, or partly cover, costs for students who elect to undergo gender reassignment surgery. First off all, please note that this post is in no way meant to be any sort of judgement call on that.  I […]

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A Paleo Valentine’s Dinner

About.com had a nice little summary of the history and traditions of Valentine’s Day; a few bits of trivia include: The story of Valentine, a physician also said to be a gastronomist, who made his medicines more palatable by mixing them with herbs, spices, honey, and wine.  Other historians believe the holiday derives from the […]

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How Has (What Should Be) Common Sense Become Headline News?

In the Times today, there was a short article discussing how fitness may lower dementia risk.  A few key comments from the piece include: “After adjusting for age, smoking, diabetes, cholesterol and other health factors, the researchers found that compared with those in the lowest 20 percent for fitness in midlife, those in the highest […]

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The “Secret Food” of Athletes?

I was lured by the title of an article on the front cover of a magazine my husband receives as a thank you for having subscribed to some other publication he actually wanted. In large, yellow letters, it read “The Secret Food of Athletes”.  I just had to read it.   Unsure as to exactly […]

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