Are Vegan, Nacho “Cheeze” Flavored, non GMO, soy, dairy and nut-free, USDA Organic Certified kale chips all they’re cracked up to be? Gone are the days when the line between healthy and so unhealthy was a glaring red divide. Think back to a time when one might wander into any run of the mill grocery […]
Read More ›I’m a kale fanatic; anyone who knows me will vouch for this, and it goes way back to before kale was a thing. Far before kale was cool, and for that matter, far before health food stores were cool, there you’d find me as a toddler with my hippie mom, purchasing the 70s versions of […]
Read More ›About two years ago, my husband and I did DNA tests. The raw data received was interesting, including finding out exactly what percentage of my ancestry actually is Norwegian (less than I thought) as well as the option to “trace parts of my ancestry to a specific group of individuals from 1,000+ years […]
Read More ›Yoga isn’t the only option for moving your body during pregnancy, but it sure is one that’s a great one to incorporate! Before I was pregnant, I’d wonder what the landscape would look like if, one day, I were to become pregnant later. While I’d had plenty of friends whom I’d met through triathlon who’d […]
Read More ›Lovely array of color, isn’t it? Perhaps to look at, but not so lovely to think that coloring like this, often ends up in our food and drinks as well as personal care products. Food dyes are chemical substances that were developed to enhance the appearance of food by giving it artificial color. People have […]
Read More ›Soy milk. Almond Milk. Hemp Milk. Coconut Milk. Oat Milk. It’s a no brainer that consuming cow’s milk, for most people doesn’t come without consequence. 30 million to 50 million Americans are lactose intolerant, including 75 percent of African Americans and American Indians and 90 percent of Asian Americans. (1) On top of that, most […]
Read More ›I hope there’s bone broth in that cup! With all this talk about gut health (not just talk coming from me, but the growing awareness of in general), combined with my recently increased interest of the gut health of a baby, for obvious reasons, it occurred to me that much of what we read is […]
Read More ›And, no, eating “three daily servings of dairy for calcium” needn’t be part of the picture. How does one stay fit, lean and healthy during this incredible time of life, while ensuring that baby’s getting what he or she needs for optimal development? When I first got the great news, I immediately began to wonder […]
Read More ›I am thrilled to share with you that Chris and I are expecting our first baby and IT’S A BOY! I’m six months pregnant and due on May 2nd and all ultrasounds and blood tests show he’s healthy across the board. We chose to keep him under wraps for the first few critical months as was advised […]
Read More ›Is this how you feel when you get on the scale? If not, read on to learn how and why it’s not actually that tricky and that you can, in fact, take control of the situation. As much as I love reading my favorite part of the NY Times (Wednesday’s Food Section, which I do […]
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