Ah! I knew that would get your attention! Now that I’ve got it, I can let you know I’m referring to the type you eat and how to prepare them for cooking. Unlike leafy greens which can be rinsed then spun dry or hearty crucifers like broccoli or cauliflower which won’t be harmed if they […]
Read More ›I just read about a shop in NYC completely devoted to bacon. Cool concept, isn’t it? But is it Paleo? Yes, that’s a picture of a bacon and chocolate concoction and yes bacon can certainly be a part of Paleo, but in moderation. The title of this post says it all. Hopefully, most people […]
Read More ›That was a Latin phrase I’d not heard of prior to yesterday. What does it mean, you might wonder? Simply, Heath Through Food. Not only that, though; it’s also the name of an idea of a Belgian Entrepreneur which would allow for restaurants to use the representative insignia to indicate that a particular dish on […]
Read More ›That would be me. I often liken myself to a toddler in a sense; when I’m on a plane, I simply have to sit in the aisle seat as I’m up at least one or two times each hour for no other reason than I absolutely hate to sit. (Yes, I’m that person. And have […]
Read More ›I am always pleased when my google alert directs me to an article that I believe will be accurately discussing Paleo, or someone who’s had success with Paleo, or a great new source for Paleo recipes. So yesterday, when I received an alert to read a piece in the Tampa Bay Times about Paleo ‘gaining […]
Read More ›Thrilled to announce the first Facebook chat for Paleoista! Here’s your chance to spend an hour online, at zero cost, to ask me any of your Paleo questions. From sport to weight loss, clearing up skin conditions to having better energy, Paleo is the way to go. Attend on Wednesday, January 9th at 8PM […]
Read More ›Mark Bittman raised some great points in his piece in the Times yesterday, in which he discussed celebrities lending their likenesses to soft drink companies to endorse their products. Money talks, of course, but at whose expense? If you’re already a multi-millionaire and you claim to be interested in supporting the First Lady’s “Let’s Move” […]
Read More ›Something caught my eye the other day. It was an ad for a gym which read that “members wouldn’t experience ‘gymtimidation’ from muscle bound brutes”. This piqued my interest; after having been a private fitness trainer for nearly eighteen years, I think I may have heard every excuse in the book for why one wouldn’t […]
Read More ›Interesting. According to an article in the Times, the claim that the 5-hour Energy Shot brand had about its product not causing a ‘crash’ (the ‘letdown that consumers often feel when an energy drink’s beverage wears off’) is being disputed. Whether or not there is a post-consumption crash, in my opinion, is not the […]
Read More ›In this week’s Wednesday edition of the New York Times, I devoured the front page article about learning to brew the perfect cup of coffee. I am certainly not a trained barista, however, I will say I can pull a damned good doppio. My husband and I, being the devout daily coffee drinkers that we […]
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