And, if need be, don’t even mention that it’s Paleo until after the fact. You can smile to yourself as you see your guests enjoying all the lovely food you’ve prepared, including those colleagues or friends who may have given you a hard time about ‘that crazy diet you were doing’. Choose your holiday […]
Read More ›The idea of a egg-nog coffee or peppermint mocha may sound a bit nostalgic and festive…until the side effects of all the sugar and dairy set in. With a belly ache, bloating, acne and congestion, retrospectively, partaking of those holiday beverage at your local cafe may not have been truly worth it. However, you […]
Read More ›How many times have you heard it, or said it? “I’m too busy to exercise right now; with all the holiday parties and shopping, there’s just no time. I’ll get started in the New Year.”. Why? What’s going to suddenly make your schedule so much lighter, come January 1st? Yes, the buzz of the festive […]
Read More ›One of the things I loved about all the baking I used to do was the pure creativity of it. Well before I stopped eating gluten or even knew about being intolerant to it, I found baking and cooking to be my favorite creative outlet. I can’t paint and my singing leaves a lot to […]
Read More ›Trying to instill healthier eating Paleo habits upon the whole family, including the kids, doesn’t leave much room for baking cookies, or does it? Certainly Toll House cookies aren’t all that Paleo, but an afternoon spent baking holiday treats with the kids might be just that perfect occasion to use what I’d consider marginally Paleo […]
Read More ›At this festive time of year, when you have as many as two or three parties or dinners in a single week on top of your normal busy regime, how can you stay on course with your exercise regime? Please don’t say you’ll cut down on sleep in order to get more done; not an […]
Read More ›Thinking about homemade goodies for presents? One reader wrote in with a great suggestion for a blog topic. Being an avid baker and cook, she used to spend hours on end preparing goodies filled with love, but also with sugar, gluten and dairy, for friends and family. Now that she’s been Paleo for nearly […]
Read More ›A very Paleo-friendly eatery in NYC, that’s who! I was so excited to learn about this restaurant from a client who was traveling in the Big Apple on business, then to connect with their founders shortly thereafter. Yes, it’s easy to eat Paleo in many restaurants around the world, but it’s not too often at […]
Read More ›Thanks to those of you who already emailed me with comments, questions and your own tips of staying Paleo during the holidays! Why not start right away instead of waiting another week until the first of December? The first tip came from a reader who shared that she opts to be a co-host at work […]
Read More ›A few years ago, I decided to devote all my blog posts in December to a ‘holiday paleo tip of the day’. From handling the food and drinks at the office Christmas party or politely declining your mother in law’s cookie platter, I’ll be giving advice on how to stay true to your Paleo […]
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