Coconut Water & Bananas…or Gels?

Nell, I’m confused. I follow you on twitter and sometimes you post about having just coconut water and a banana or yams whilst training, but I’ve also read your posts about using man-made carbohydrate gel when you are racing.  Can you clarify when to eat what?  I’m training for my first 70.3 race. Thanks, Will, […]

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GI Distress While Running

It happens to all of us.  We’re running along, having a great workout and then… all of a sudden, that ominous feeling of impending doom in the gut hits us and our focus on stride, cadence and pace turns into a desperate search for a restroom, or worse, some bushes. While I’m very happy to […]

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A Cozy Little Book Shop Hosts Today’s Book Signing

I’m so looking forward to speaking today at 3PM at a local bookseller, Diesel, A Bookstore in Los Angeles. I’ll be reading a bit from my book, Paleoista: Gain Energy, Get Lean, and Feel Fabulous With the Diet You Were Born to Eat, signing some copies and doing a Q&A afterward. If you’re in the […]

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Is There A Problem with Sausage

Sausage is not Paleo. Sausage is Paleo. I’m sure you’ve heard both. What’s the deal, then? Apologies for being the bearer of bad news: It can be Paleo, but the vast majority of commercially prepared sausages are not. Why? Aside from being highly processed and  oh-so-nicely blended with lovely ingredients including but not limited to: […]

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Isn’t Scent Enough?

This morning as I was running to the track, I took my usual three mile loop to get there, during which I stay in a completely residential area. Being that it was just past six in the morning, people and their families were just beginning to stir as evidenced by the lovely smells of coffee […]

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Fish…for Breakfast?

Why not? Not a ‘must do’, but certainly fair game. I had to laugh a little when I read one of my twitter followers tweet to me today which read, “any recipe ideas without poached cod breakfasts?”.    Yes, I do, in fact, sometimes eat fish as my protein for my first meal of the […]

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Paleo Mistake # 7: Confusing the Approach to Snacking

The way I see it, a snack is a meal and a meal is a snack.  They should both consist of: real food balanced, Paleo macro nutrient ratio (which is roughly 40/30/30, in favor of unprocessed carbohydrate coming from loads of fresh veg, along with some fruit) appropriate portion sizes Why would eating three perfect […]

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Avocado Varieties

Yes, there are more than two (as in, not just black or green!)   Once again, I will admit being spoiled by living in So Cal and having several different types grown literally at my doorstep; however, in many other parts of the world, there are just as many, if not more, of this savory, […]

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And On That Wine Tip…

Being resourceful as ever, I felt quite efficient yesterday when I finally came up with a use for a bottle of white wine that was given to us as a present over a year ago. I cooked with it.  No, I don’t mean I drank it while I cooked; rather, I incorporated it into a […]

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Pregnancy, Paleo and…Wine?

Yes, you read that correctly. We all know that an occasional glass of vino is part and parcel of modern Paleo living. Separately, nourishing your body by providing it with an abundance of fresh veggies, fruit, natural fats and wild proteins is also a healthy way to approach both pregnancy as well as a post-partum […]

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