One of the most important things I try to impart to clients is that eating a meal shouldn’t be part of a multi-tasking experience. Multi-sensory, yes, as in the food should look good, taste good, smell good and feel good in the mouth, but not multi-tast as in shoving food in one’s face while […]
Read More ›Nell, I love the idea of Paleo and want to give it a try…but I’ve read a little about the intermittent fasting component and to be honest, that’s what’s putting me off. I have been on and off diets my whole life, and I know myself well enough that when I’ve tried things like […]
Read More ›If you’ve been partaking of the summer’s lovely Heirloom tomatoes, you may have come across this issue: what to do if one of this giant beauties proves to be too much for one meal? Tomatoes in the fridge are always an absolute no-go; storing them there yields a mushy, unfavorable fruit, so when they’re whole, […]
Read More ›I love when I receive an inquiry about a food I don’t know about as it serves as a learning opportunity for me. A reader recently sent me an email asking if the Shiritaki Noodles she found would be Paleo friendly. I asked for a link to the brand she had in mind, as the only […]
Read More ›It all depends on you. From my perspective, if someone is eating Paleo food and moving in some capacity, those are the two most important pieces, hands down. When I ask about being ‘too Paleo’, what I’m referring to is how much one chooses to implement other aspects of what some consider equally as important […]
Read More ›Lo and behold, there is a new classification of eating disorders, “Orthorexia” which is defined as an obsession with healthy or righteous eating. According to an eating disorder site, “it often begins with someone’s simple and genuine desire to live a healthy lifestyle. The person may choose to stop eating red meat, but eventually cuts […]
Read More ›Let’s face it; the word “airline” before a food does not exactly conjure up the best connotation of a place where one procures a delicious for the most part. Don’t worry, though, if you see this as an option the next time you’re out to dinner and wonder whether or not it’s a good Paleo […]
Read More ›Spring and summer produce are abundant with ‘baby’ versions of many delicious options- lettuces, squash, crucifers… they tend to be smaller (obv), more delicate and sometimes even a bit sweeter than their ‘grown’ counterpart. And baby carrots, too. But wait… what are baby carrots, really? Well, there are two types. True baby carrots which are […]
Read More ›So many of the ingredients we need to be diligent about avoiding or changing when we’re Paleo… is tomato paste one of them? I don’t have a problem using it myself now and again; I buy a brand that is organic and contains tomato and salt- that’s it and it certainly does provide some ‘oomph’ […]
Read More ›How pleasing to see an article in the Times over the weekend that focused on having dietitians actually working for franchise grocery stores with the intention of helping shoppers learn to make better food choices. Some even offer programs where the participants pay a fee and get a shopping list with prep tips; these can […]
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