It’s an age old question: What’s more important, exercise or eating well? Can one ‘get away’ with eating a poor quality diet if they exercise like a fiend to ‘make up for it’? Perhaps some think they can, in terms of the number on the scale staying at a relatively consistent and ‘healthy’ one, […]
Read More ›Nell, Can you clear something up? I have been Paleo for going on four weeks…or so I thought. My co-worker, also relatively new to Paleo, but for a longer period than I, has been giving me a hard time about my snack of choice- dried fruit with nuts. I’ve been doing great and […]
Read More ›Take Paleo out of the picture for a moment; some food preparations are just…wrong! I walked past a restaurant the other day and had a quick peruse of the menu; deep-fried filet mignon was one offering that caught my eye in particular. Why would you do that to such a gorgeous piece of meat? […]
Read More ›It always bothers me a little when I see things like a children’s menu in a restaurant listing hot dogs, fries and spaghetti or a cartoon-covered box of mac and cheese at the grocery store geared towards the little ones. As if to presume that they couldn’t possibly be interested in real food, the same […]
Read More ›As I’m always a fan of keeping my blog on the interactive side, I thought it fitting to post a couple of the comments I received on the cheating post from a few days ago from readers offering a slightly different perspective on their take on ‘cheating’. A few highlights: For me personally, the cheating […]
Read More ›One of the many lovely fruits you might find at your farmer’s market are cherries. No, they may not fall into the category of new, exotic or interesting as per my request for you readers to send in contributions of some of the more unusual foods you found at your market, but I had to […]
Read More ›In response to my blog of a few days ago, about whether or not a certain famous doctor did or didn’t suggest that cheating on one’s diet is a good idea, a reader sent in the (disappointing) answer, along with a link to the article in question, entitled, Cheat on Your Diet and Still Lose Weight. […]
Read More ›The other day, while waiting in line to order an espresso at a certain local coffee establishment, I overhead the most interesting serious of commentary from two women standing in front of me in line, all of which had one thing or other to do with diet, nutrition or health. Before they approached the barista […]
Read More ›None that I’m aware of! It’s funny, though, to consider how many of us convince ourselves that somehow, certain calories are somehow not going to be recognized by the body as such. Liquid calories come to mind first off. Having a black americano over ice is vastly different from a venti-mocha-frappe type drink, the latter […]
Read More ›I was thrilled to hear a piece about an initiative that the Bill & Melinda Gates are funding, which supports “studying the best ways to disseminate the more nutritious varieties of sweet potatoes to farmers and their families.” Their website outlines some of the basics: Many of the two billion people in the developing world […]
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