Kids As Our Motivation

There are reasons to get healthy everywhere we look; and sometimes these very reasons are sitting with us at the dinner table, watching television with us on a Monday evening or tugging at our hands to go outside and play. Yes, I’m talking about kids. While I don’t have any of my own, except, of […]

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Sugar On Your Broccoli? What?

That was precisely my friend’s reaction when she read through a delicious-sounding recipe in a popular cooking magazine for roasted broccoli. At first, she assumed it must be some last ditch attempt to trick kids into eating their veggies, which I’d obviously be vehemently opposed to. She happened to mention it when we were at […]

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Paleo Passover

Yes, it can be done. With Passover just one week away, I thought it a suitable time to post some alternatives to the traditional meal in order to give you enough time to procure your ingredients and prepare a lovely holiday meal. Prompted by a desperate plea from a reader who just recently discovered his […]

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Everyone Move Together

I was at the track the other morning, doing my mile repeats.  The local high school track is open for public use during weekdays from 6 – 8am. There I was, running my tail off, and in strolled a group of eight guys, all of whom who are bus drivers, who have about thirty minutes […]

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A Conflict of Interest

It’s a tricky situation, to say the least, when someone close to you is doing something that you just know is harming them.  I can speak from personal experience on this note, as I have a close family member who would be so helped if they were to go Paleo, as they’re suffering from an […]

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Great Meals to Fuel Your Workout? I Don’t Think So…

Here it is, yet again, unfortunately.  A list of ‘five great meals’ to fuel your workout from a triathlon  newsletter I subscribe to, written by a registered dietician with a Master’s Degree. I’ve highlighted the ingredients in red which are not only not Paleo, but are likely to a host of issues to the body, […]

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Where is the Disconnect?

Why do some people ‘get it’ and others do not? I’m actually not talking Paleo (at least not yet..:); but on a broader scope, I’m talking about overall health and fitness. Today at Whole Foods, I had a chat with one of the cashiers who often helps me out when I’m done with my shop. […]

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Fructose Malabsorption and Paleo; Can It Help?

A resounding YES would have to be my reply. What’s fructose malabsorption?  Here is what Wikipedia has to say: Fructose malabsorption, formerly named “dietary fructose intolerance,” is a digestive disorder in which absorption of fructose is impaired by deficient fructose carriers in the small intestine’s enterocytes. This results in an increased concentration of fructose in […]

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Eating For The Wrong Reasons?

Many people talk about eating for reasons other than being hungry.   Whether triggered by feeling stressed out, down and depressed or feeling happy and in need of a ‘reward’, different emotions and different states of mind for anyone can potentially contribute to someone’s decision to eat, or not eat. If I feel nervous or […]

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Too Many Carrots?

Too much of any one food isn’t a great idea.   I’m using carrots as an example because of a recent email exchange I had with a blog reader, who reminded me of something funny I experienced myself, years ago. I began doing a lot of my own cooking at a pretty young age.  I […]

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