Progress on School Lunches?

Let me start by saying that apparently, pizza still counts as a vegetable.  Not kidding. “Millions of schoolchildren in the United States will see more fruit and vegetables and less fat on their lunch plates under new U.S. Department of Agriculture standards unveiled Wednesday aimed at improving child nutrition and reducing childhood obesity”, begins a […]

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No, You Are Not ‘Doomed’ to be Fat

I was pleasantly surprised after reading the headline article in today’s ‘s newsletter.  Nice, for a change!I saw the headline and prepared for what would likely be another “woe-is-me, I have ‘fat genes’ and there’s nothing I can do” diatribe.Not so much!Rather, the author shares that despite being overweight as a child, the message, […]

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Oh, Dear, I’ve Gone Wild Again

This time, it was antelope.  Oh, dear God, these fillets were to die for!   They were so good that I felt guilty enjoying the leftovers all by myself and not sharing with my husband.  Well, not that guilty, since he ate two the night before.  OK, that’s another topic! I created a pan sauce, even […]

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Loving My Green, Paleo Smoothies

Smoothies have got to be one of the most popular go-to for meals on the fly.  It’s ridiculously easy to whip up a concoction of any combination of ingredients, and it does not, by any means, need to be syrupy sweet. I’ve gotten in the habit of throwing at least 1/2 a bunch of kale […]

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Looking For A Little Paleo ‘Crunch’?

Clients often want to know what they can use as a ‘topping’ for all sorts of  concoctions they create, from sweet to savory, as a  substitute for recipes which call for anything from toasted breadcrumbs to commercially prepared fried onion rings in a tube (not kidding, unfortunately) to wheat germ stirred into a yogurt. Mouth […]

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From Vegan to Paleo? What?

I’ve touched on this before; is it better to delve right into a 100% Paleo diet, or ease your way in? I strongly encourage the former, with one exception, and this is based on one of the things I experience in my own transition to following the Paleo diet:  when one is making the change […]

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Paleo: Boaring, But Certainly Not Boring

Eating wild meats, fish and game is tantamount to following a nicely balanced Paleo diet.  Can you be Paleo if all you ever eat as far as protein goes is boneless, skinless chicken breasts and egg whites? Technically, yes, but how boring would that be?  And oh-so-1990’s with the ‘no or low fat mentality’; no […]

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