How’s Your Sleep Hygiene?

Sleep awareness week is one of the nationally recognized themes I am a huge advocate of, perhaps even more so than other health issues. Why? Because it’s something which, despite being a fundamental part of one’s overall picture of health, is often overlooked, as if hours spent sleeping were easily interchanged for more time spent […]

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Welcome to Madre

You may be wondering why I’ve mentioned mezcal a few times over the past couple of months. No, I haven’t replaced it for water, but I do have some exciting news. The reason I’ve been so excited about sharing this one spirit in particular is, in fact, personal. Over the past 11 years that I’ve […]

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Top 5 Go-Tos for Tricky Eating Situations

Does this look like a meal you could cobble together in a few minutes from less than five items purchased in a hurry at the grocery store? Aside from the plate, it is. Why is this important? Because life brings us tricky situations that can throw us off our eating regime when certain situations arise. […]

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Mezcal: The “Newest” Old Drink

If you’re someone who opts to follow a Paleo diet and you’d like a drink, chances are fairly good that you’re going with a tequila, as it’s always grain-free. Alternatively, for someone who’s more in line to follow a general ‘clean eating’ approach, choosing a neat vodka for its low sugar content may be what […]

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Are Almonds Really All That?

We’ve gotten quite used to peanut-free zones in our schools and labeling on products warning that certain products may have been exposed to the oil made from these sneaky little legumes that masquerade as nuts. In the early 90’s, as a result of the articles in medical journals (1) discussing the seriousness of peanut allergies, many […]

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Beyond Weight Loss, Why Natural Fat is Our Friend

If you’ve integrated a keto, paleo or keto-paleo approach, why are you doing it? From reasons ranging from wanting to lose weight, create optimal mental focus, perform and recover at a higher level both in sport and in life to the mere simplicity the approach creates in terms of not having to shop, prep, pack […]

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Top Five Foods for Heart Health

Veggies, Omega 3s, berries… you’ve heard it before but let’s dive in a little deeper, and add on some other uber-healthy food and drink items that make eating enjoyable and feel far away from being a ‘diet’. Yes, I’m talking about chocolate, rich, abundant fats and wine… or better yet, mezcal! Valentine’s Day is just […]

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Avocado + Caviar: Paleo, Keto and Uber Healthy!

When you think keto, chances are your mind goes right to fat-coffee, zero added sugar and snacks tailored to fit into your cyclical intermittent fasting. But when you do want something small between lunch and dinner, are there any more natural options to choose from rather than some of the more highly processed products on […]

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Liver Made Tasty

Yes, it is possible to make this one food that many shy away from taste great. Whether it’s because you’ve only eaten it in the past after it had been prepared in an unattractive manner, or the concept of eating organ meats frightens you, I encourage you to be a bit open minded and consider […]

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