Think You NEED Cream in Your Coffee? NO, You Don’t!

When I tell clients that they can have a black coffee while keeping completely Paleo, they often breathe a sigh of relief.   "Phew!", they say, "Maybe I CAN give it a go!" But then, along comes the inevitable question: "What can I put in my coffee?". Sorry? Why do you need to put something […]

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(Paleo) Christmas in New York

Yes, busted, I AM indeed referring to the Radio City Music Hall Christmas Spectacular (which I WILL be watching, AGAIN, while I'm in NYC for a nice holiday weekend!). However, that is not the reason for this post.   After my last trip prompted several readers to post comments about how surprised and relieved they […]

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Huff Post Article Addresses Gluten…

I was extremely happy to read this article addressing just how very dangerous gluten is, even to those who do NOT have Celiac Disease. I found it quite useful and informative not because it was new information to me, rather, it's about time people start getting the message that gluten is bad.  Period. For EVERYONE! […]

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Care for a Worm with that Organic Produce?

Um, no thanks… but if you see one on your leafy greens, broccoli, or whatever veg you happen to be washing that day, don't worry. It's actually a good sign, in my opinion.  The fact that these tiny little creatures may appear from time to time on our veg is a nice validation that the […]

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Paleo at Work

Nell, I am going nuts.  I am trying so hard to stay Paleo but it seems like every single day someone is bringing in Christmas Candy, or Christmas Cookies or Holiday something or other to the office.  It's impossible to go into the break room at work, or even into people's offices without finding some […]

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Paleo Purees…

No, that is NOT a heap of grass clippings from the lawn mower bag with mashed wild salmon; it's a puree of kale, garlic and avocado. Which was quite a delightful meal, actually. What's with the presentation? Well, having had dental surgery nearly a week ago, and having had all my meals from then until […]

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A Heap Of Bones

What IS that, you must be thinking?   Aside from possibly being the ugliest pic I've ever posted on my blog, it is indeed, a pile of bones. Rabbit bones, chicken bones and beef bones, to be precise. What on earth? Well, being one to never want to waste (my grandmother used to say, "Waste […]

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With Just a Little Planning….

If you know you're heading out to dinner, or lunch or anywhere that you've gone to the trouble of booking a rezzie, it pays to call ahead and speak with the host or hostess and explain that you've got an allergy (to gluten/soy/dairy) and ask for suggestions as to what might make for good options […]

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Veggies, Baby!

Or should I say baby veggies? No, I'm not about to discuss what to feed your infant.  I'm referring to eating the younger counterparts of many veggies. Aside from providing more variety, serving baby veggies in lieu of the more mature version is a great way to lure friends and family (yes, even kids!) into […]

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