Paleo pic of a meal on a plane… From client in flight on UAL.. It can be done!
Read More ›Hi Nell,I subscribe to your blog's feed so that I can read every post just as soon as you publish it. What I like most about your blog is your purist approach to Paleo. I'm extremely sensitive to gluten, dairy and sugar so, like you, I have to maintain a 100% commitment level; otherwise, I quickly pay for my […]
Read More ›I've blogged before about how much I love getting lost in a cookbook… and last week I did so in one of my favorites, Julia Child's Mastering the Art of French Cooking. Wanting to prepare a hearty chicken dish that my husband and I could enjoy during a cozy evening in, I opted for the […]
Read More ›No. Well… let me rephrase. In one particular situation, I'd class them as a 'Plan B' food… FOR ENDURANCE ATHLETES: You're away from home and are unable to find sweet potato or yam and you have a big training day or race ahead of you. Keep in mind that the Saponin content on the skins is […]
Read More ›Sweet Potato Fries… they're Paleo, aren't they? No, not necessarily. A local salad place I go to quite a bit offers them atop a few otherwise Paleo salads, but they're something to look out for, as they're actually dredged in good old white flour. Aside from that, eating anything deep fried is not a healthy […]
Read More ›Just having a quick flip through the latest issue of Triathlete Magazine and came across an article in which one PRO triathlete fields questions that she states are commonly asked by 'non–triathletes'. There were some not-so-surprising questions that I, too have been asked, such as 'do you get a break between the three sports' and […]
Read More ›At dinner the other evening, a friend commented that yet another way to distinguish what one should or should not eat it by considering 'shelf life'. I thought that was genius. Think about it. WHY would you want to put ANYTHING in your body that has been sitting on a shelf? Consider this- would […]
Read More ›Just the other day, a reader asked if I'd do a post about skin care. At first, I wondered whether that would be going too far out of the realm of Paleo, but then it dawned on me… It's SO related…why? Because when one follows the Paleo diet properly, their skin radiates! Not exaggerating, Why […]
Read More ›How silly that this has only just occurred to me…why not post not only the type of food I am able to eat while dining out, which is totally Paleo, but also the place! Sometimes the most obvious things are the most easily missed, I suppose! Here's a pic of a delish lunch I had […]
Read More ›2:51 for Chris and 3:07 for me- not a PR Day but SO MUCH FUN! The NYC Marathon has GOT to be one of the most energizing races to do… a must-do for all you marathon runners out there! : )
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