In my athlete bag for the NY Marathon, I thought I'd finally found some Paleo options, but alas, I was mistaken. What I mistook for a bag of walnuts and a bag of almonds, turned out to be a bag of Emerald Brand Breakfast on the Go and Cocoa Roast Almonds which was most unfortunate because […]
Read More ›No, I'm not giving license to head out to the local diner and pile up on the Farmer John's…BUT you can actually eat sausage AND keep Paleo, if you make it yourself. AND, you don't HAVE to have a sausage stuffer; in fact, you don't even have to use pork casings if you choose not […]
Read More ›Smart Parts, the title of a piece in the NY TImes on the second of November, was a refreshing article about people eating Paleo, OK, no, it wasn't.. per se… BUT it's generally the same gist. EAT THE WHOLE ANIMAL NOSE TO TAIL DINING What? Even the fatty bits? Even the organs? Aren't they way […]
Read More ›I'll 'fess up; the first time I bought a young coconut, I did NOT know what the heck to do with it. I admit- I took it outside and whacked it with a hammer, which kind of worked, but I lost much of the meat and water! So- enter good old YouTube. One can find […]
Read More ›Berlin's SAUVAGE Restaurant is the first ALL PALEO restaurant that I've heard of, personally…. what a concept! A restaurant that serves… FOOD! Where patrons can dine without a care that their grass fed beef has been tainted with soy, or that the jus atop that same lovely filet has been thickened with flour! Speaking on behalf of […]
Read More ›I thought it would be (kind of) in keeping with the fact that today's Halloween to write a blog post about a (kind of) surprising/startling (looking) fruit I saw for the first time last week: Buddha's Hand, also known as Buddha's Hand Citron and Fingered Citron: is one of the oldest citrus fruits in the […]
Read More ›Ever eat something that is SO good it seems unreal? LIke, your eyes are rolling backwards, it's so good? I picked up something called GARLIC GOLD the other day at Whole Foods; check this out- the ingredients are roasted garlic and olive oil. THAT"S it! Granted, raw garlic has more health benefits than it does in its […]
Read More ›How COOL is this? I was perusing Art Devany's website and came across an food pyramid schymatic that actually looks like, and recommends… guess what? FOOD! Imagine that!
Read More ›CLICK HERE to read my latest article for TRAINING PEAKS about why pre-race PASTA feeding is ALL WRONG!
Read More ›Picture from KonaCamp-me on R side of pic w pink shoes; coach Lance on L standing solo in blk…
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