Why stop at one? At lunch the other day, a few of use ordered several Paleo Friendly VEG options from the menu and received enough for each of us to partake of the bounty: Sauteed Spinach, Steamed Broccolini, Arugula Salad, Avocado (with a free-range 100% turkey (as in – no breadcrumbs or other fillers) […]
Read More ›One of my most regular blog readers, who happens to be a psychologist working with elite British athletes (so he knows a thing or two!) has long been touting the benefits of eating beets (or as my husband, being a fellow Brit calls this plant, beetroot). Not only is this plant indicated for EVERYONE, athlete […]
Read More ›Ok, ok, I know… I've been blogging a lot about coconut lately. I'll try and hold back for a little while after today's post… maybe. I just had to write about this brand of coconut water I picked up last week at Whole Foods. Now, don't get me wrong. I'm NOT sponsored or endorsed by […]
Read More ›In Friday's NY TImes, there was an artilce about the new 'Label Plan Offered to Rate Food Nutrition'. "The nutrition label on the front of a box of cereal or a frozen dinner should be as easy to read as the Energy Star Label on a clothes washer", the article begins… By the way, isn't […]
Read More ›Just flipped through the latest issue of the publication that USA Triathlon puts out… and I came across an article on a subject that has NEVER made sense to me. "Off season weight gain", which was a piece about how to not gain 'too much' weight when race season is over. I have personally known […]
Read More ›Nell, I LOVE the idea of having a smoothie as an 'on-the-go' option BUT I cannot eat eggs. What other protein can I use in the smoothie? I know you are not a fan of whey or soy protein….Any ideas? Sure!Let's think outside the box here (or rather, the blender… ok, sorry, bad joke!). The […]
Read More ›I was THRILLED to see this in Wednesday's Times… not so much because it's a Paleo recipe (it's not, as it calls for creme fraiche as well as butter and vinegar, all of which are VERY easily replaced with olive oil and lime or lemon juice) but because… wait for it… IT DOES NOT HAVE […]
Read More ›Coconut water. Coconut juice. Coconut milk. Coconut cream. Flaked coconut. Coconut flour. And… 'just a coconut'! So many options! Which are the best? Which one(s) should you eat and which shouldn't you? Have ALL of them and DON'T omit any… except for those products which have been tainted (as in: chemically altered or mixed with […]
Read More ›The first time I ate plaintains was at a local, authentic Cuban restaurant, years ago, and I remember thinking they were delicious! I'm sure I still would think they're delicious now, BUT, knowing how they're prepped (deep-fried), I'd not opt to eat them like that these days. However, they are equally as delicious […]
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