Can Food Be as Addictive as a Drug? Hmmm.. Let Me Think

A recent article in the New York Times Magazine discusses whether or not food can be addictive.   According to the processed-food industry, it cannot.  They don't feel the use of that word is appropriatems, so they're coined their own term: craveability. With financing from the World Sugar Research Organization, whose sponsors include Coca-Cola, the […]

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Why Am I Feeling Ill? I Only Ate Paleo Foods!

Dear Nell, I LOVE how I feel eating Paleo!  I am learning how to eat out, too.  I am wondering, though, why I feel sick after a meal that I had last night at a really nice steak house nearby.  I asked for the sauce on the side, and didn't even it eat.  I also […]

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Chronic Cardio & Paleo

There’s a school of thought that opposes the idea of racing Ironman or engaging in long bouts of cardiovascular activity, and some who feel any cardiovascular activity is contraindicated, too. “Chronic cardio”, a relatively new term, refers to long, steady state training at >75% of max heart rate. Marathoning, ultra running, and ironman triathlon racing are […]

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“TOP FIVE FOODS” to Ease PMS? Doubtful…

A regular blog reader & client sent me a link to an e-newsletter she'd received from her OBGYN, with the feature of this month being 'The Top Five Foods' to help ease PMS Symptoms. According to her doc, who writes the newsletter, they are: Yogurt suggested to help alleviate the bloating symptom (um, isn't the […]

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