Meat & leaves. This is what I like to eat. Can you make it any simpler? ANY grass-fed, organic, humanely-raised or wild meat (or wild fish, or free range poulty, for that matter) and ANY organic leaves make a perfect meal as far as I'm concerned. Don't overthink "How many grams of protein do […]
Read More ›En route to Kona tomorrow; Ironman World Championships are a mere week away! It's always an honor to race there, on the very ground where triathlon all started (well, almost; the original Ironman races were in Honolulu, but still…). I'll be blogging and twittering throughout the week, but would like to you invite you to […]
Read More ›I was thrilled to see and article in Wednesday's NY TIMES about eating chicken skin. Before you send your comments in about the skin being 'fattening' or high in HCA's read on. (I've done a post on these both, before; if you're concered with heterocyclic amine content in the chicken skin, you can significantly lower […]
Read More ›Oh, what the hell, I've been on a soapbox about Dr. Oz, and then wrote a post about Bob Greene… why not continue along with another Oprah-endorsed expert? We all know Dr. Phil… the 'tell it like it is' self-help guru who, like many others, found his fame after being a regular on the Oprah […]
Read More ›Some is. Some is NOT. How can you tell the difference? Although most fruits and vegetables are largely comprised of the macronutrient, carbohydrate, there ARE small amounts of proteins and sometimes even a little bit of fat in many of the paleo plants we eat. The traces of protein found in, for example, an […]
Read More ›I'm going out on a limb now… and some people may be offended. What is UP with overweight health care professionals? Years ago, when I was still in high school, I went with my mom to see an RD with credentials up to the eyeballs who claimed to specialize in nutrition for MS. She […]
Read More ›I'm wondering about the benefits of Beet Juice. Is Beet Juice Paleo? Are there any benefits to drinking it? Would it work as fuel for adventure races lasting over seven hours? Thanks Nell! I hope to hear back soon. Thanks for the inquiry! Well, if we're talking about JUST beet juice- as […]
Read More ›Think about the taste of an avocado, when eaten alone. It's creamy and actually quite neutral, so it lends itself to being used NOT only in savory dishes, but those that have a sweeter taste, too, like in a smoothie or a Paleo dessert concoction you may come up with. I easily swap out raw […]
Read More ›I've been getting a lot of inquiries recently about my position on eating fermented foods and whether or not they're paleo. This sometimes leads to an email exchange in which readers ask why or how I can be opposed to fermented foods when other Paleo experts promote them, and when certain cultures and civilizations have […]
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