Something struck me the other day, when I was amusedly reading the printed 'nutrition' info for all the mini cakes, cookies, scones and who knows what else in the pastry case at the local Starbucks. Why is that data called 'nutrition' information? How can it be 'nutrition' information if there are no nutrients? Here is […]
Read More ›Here's a little peak at one of my snacks that I brought along on a flight today. I knew I'd not only be on the plane with the likelihood of finding something Paleo slim to nill AND including a layover I had, in addition to the fact that I'd ridden 80 miles before my flight, […]
Read More ›Think about it. When you make a turkey soup, have some and put the rest in the fridge, you'll see a gelatinous formation on the top of it. That's the collagen that comes from the bones when cooked for a long time. Thick and goupy, it's not very appealing to eat in that state, but for […]
Read More ›Hippocrates, the Greek physician (460 BC – 377 BC), said it best. Think about what you're putting in your body, every single time you eat, and think about what what that food, or NON food is going to do to your body! Will it help it? Or harm it? If you know that it's fresh/healthy/PALEO/veg, […]
Read More ›One of the most common issues that clients have when new to eating Paleo is the tendency to eat too much fruit. To clarify, I just recently did a post on eating fruit, and I am NOT of the school of thought that it is something to be avoided. Read the post for more, but the bottom […]
Read More ›A reader brought this product to my attention recently. As I've mentioned many a time, on the rare occasion when you DO eat something in a wrapper, you must ALWAYS read the ingredient panel with Eagle Eyes, lest you miss something and consume something not Paleo and potentially quite harmful to your body. You'd think, would't you, […]
Read More ›What a great article in Tuesday's NY TIMES! The Rev. Michale O. Minor, in Mississippi, has been preaching about the war against obesity and bad health from his pulpit! While I'm not a religious person, per say, I fully support any way that the message of the dire need to change the diet of America […]
Read More ›One of the most common issues that clients have when new to eating Paleo is the tendency to eat too much fruit. To clarify, I just recently did a post on eating fruit, and I am NOT of the school of thought that it is something to be avoided. Read the post for more, but […]
Read More ›The New York Times, that is… I was so happy to read a (nearly Paleo) recipe in last Wednesday's NY Times. Organ meats are not only oh-so-Paleo, they're quite good for you! In fact, after a post about eating other parts of animals (as in, aside from the skeletal muscle that we're all used to […]
Read More ›Why? Isn't spinach a great, healthy food? Yes…BUT it's also very high in natural histamines, which are simple chemical substances your immune system cells produce when reacting to an antigen. Many foods that are either high in histamines themselves, or that elicit a histamine response, include foods we wouldn't be eating on the Paleo diet, such […]
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