My PALEO Foods on a Big Volume Training Day

I do get quite a bit of questions about exactly what I eat on those days when I'm training long.  A 5k swim, followed by a 5:00 ride and a 1:00 brick are not exactly workouts you'd want to go into empty! While I've written posts including sample days of what I eat on days […]

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Paleo Sprouts with Turkey, Shallots & Olive Oil

Based on a menu offering from a restaurant I visited recently that was NOT paleo, this version that I made up IS! While it looked great on the menu, after a little inquiry to the server, I learned that the Roasted Sprouts dish was prepared with butter, soy sauce and even a little bit of […]

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Scallopini, Paleo Style

This recipe is a perfect one to illustrate the idea that you do NOT need to thicken sauces, a topic which I'm frequently asked about. The traditional recipe for chicken or veal (or any) scallopini would call for butter as well as flour to thicken the sauce.  Aside from that, most ingredients are in keeping […]

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Tasty Turmeric…and VERY Good For You, TOO!

If anyone ever tells you they think their Paleo food is bland, they're doing something wrong!  In addition to the lovely flavors that each and every fresh food has of its own, we also have access to many herbs and spices to play with. One of my faves is turmeric. I first ate turmeric as […]

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Tomatillo Salsa

Salsa has GOT to be one of the easiest things to make! Really, there is no formula that you must follow; and I'm often a fan of 'throwing in a little of this, and throwing in a little of that' methodology! Last night, I made a tomatillo salsa in my  mini prep food processor in […]

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What To Do When Your Paleo DISH Goes WRONG!

You're expecting your guests at 7PM for a nice glass of wine before dinner.  You've set the table, lit the candles and set out the menu. It's 6:30. The braised pork tenderloin you're going to serve has been in the oven at a low temp for a few hours and should just about be ready, […]

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It’s A ‘WRAP’

Nope- I'm not going to be suggesting you use a pita, a lavash or tortilla (come on, now it's nothing more than flattened bread- and it's NOT paleo!) to tidy up a heap of free range turkey, arugula, avocado and sliced peach! I'm talking about 'the original wrap'… how about some skin? I, for one, […]

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