Chicken, Cherries and HCAs

Chicken?  Sounds good.  Cherries?  Same.  HCA's?  What the? HCAs are heterocyclic amines which are chemicals formed when muscle meat, including beef, pork, fish, or poultry, is cooked using high-temperature methods, such as pan frying or grilling directly over an open flame. Found in particularly high concentration in chicken skin, they're linked to elevated levels of certain […]

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Are Almonds Really All That?

Not so much, it turns out.   Yes, they're better than peanuts (remember, peanuts are NOT nuts- they're legumes so NOT Paleo), and almond butter is a better option than peanut butter BUT that doesn't mean one should eat them ad nauseum. Why? Because they are actually quite high in inflammatory Omega 6 fatty acids […]

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What Is the Deal with Skimping on the Veg?

Whenever I dine out, I literally ask for a double portion (at least) of veg.  Why?  Because if I don't, I'll very likely receive one leaf of chard or two asparagus spears. I am aware that this reflects demand.  I am an anomaly, unfortunately, in the sense that I want heaps of veg and none […]

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MY PALEO Version of An “Iced Blended”

Recently, I popped into a local Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf Shoppe for a black espresso before my noon Master's swim, and also asked for a giant cup of water.   I finished both and still had a little bit of water left when I got home, PLUS I had to rush out the door […]

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What is Za’atar and is it Paleo?

Za'atar is a generic name for the Middle Eastern herbs: Oregano, Basil, Thyme and Savory, as well as the name for a condiment made from the dried herbs, mixed together with sesame seeds and dried sumac.  It's used in Arabic cuisine. And, YES, it's Paleo!     It saddens me when I hear accounts of […]

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The Secret to Homemade PALEO Sorbet

Getting tired of attempting to make Paleo sorbet and having it turn out like a frozen block of peach (or whatever summer fruit you're using) ice? Have you thought of adding some healthy fat to it? No, I'm not about to tell you to fold in the heavy cream; rather, think NUTS or even better- […]

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They certainly CAN be!  Although I must say I find it rather interesting that most readers tend to think that they need to be made with breadcrumbs, day old bread or rice, or some other sort of 'filler' starch! Interestingly, when I checked out Wikipedia, the definition was in keeping with what the readers thought: […]

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Got the Guts to Eat Some Guts?

I'm not exactly sure how this happened over the course of probably a couple hundred years, but why does it seem that many people are happy to eat skeletal muscle of animal, but distgusted to eat any other 'bits', like organ meats or marrow? Before you were Paleo, did you ever eat a hot dog? […]

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Caprese Salad… With Peaches?

Why not? Last night, as one of my small plates that I served at a dinner party, I added two giant, local, organic peaches to my normal preparation of Paleo Caprese Salad of Tomato, Basil & Olive OIl. Result?  A lovely blend of flavor and colour. Be sure to save this one as a dish […]

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