A Giant, Fresh Fig…

Another cool find while grocery shopping… the biggest fig I've ever seen! A great source of Potassium and dietary fibre, they're also absolutely delicious in a salad- which is exactly what became of the one you see above! Shown above- tossed with arugula, roasted beets, lemon and tomato infused olive oil and a light dusting […]

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The Cherimoya

I do practice what I preach, and so when I suggest to clients that they 'try a new fruit and/or veg each week', it's based on something I do myself!  One of the many beauties of The Paleo Diet is that we can enjoy such a multitude of fresh fruits and veggies, one needn't ever […]

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Searing Steak Sans Smoke

Dear Nell,  How do you keep your house from filling with smoke when you sear meat?  I have to use my exhaust fan AND another fan to prevent smoking up the place! Thanks, Linda Linda,  Thanks for your inquiry!  Try the following suggestions:  Make sure you're using a very hot cast iron skillet (remember, for […]

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Paleo Doesn’t Have To Be Cavie…

Certainly, it can be, but that's only one way to approach it. There are different methods to be Paleo, such as literally living as close to paleolithic man did, via eating only what one kills or forages and mimicking similar exercise and eating patterns. Alternatively, one can follow a lifestyle similar to the one I […]

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Steak For Dinner; My Favorite Athlete’s Meal!

ou really can't beat a bloody rare, grass- fed filet mignon.  Because it's such a fabulous cut, it really doesn't need anything fancy as far as preparation.   While I'll come up with all sorts of marinades for less expensive cuts, like flank steak, which I LOVE, too, somehow it seems offensive, almost, to do […]

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How Much Fruit Should I Be Eating?

Nell, I noticed that you eat a lot of fruit and include it in your meal plans.  What role does it play other than satisfying a sweet tooth?  I'm satisfied with just eating the protein, veggies and fats and I workout one hour per day.  -Cherie Great question- and thanks for the blog topic!  Yes, […]

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How Paleo Is This Food and That?

The other day after a workout, I had a quick chat with another athlete about, guess what?  How to be a Paleo Endurance Athlete!  (One of my favourite topics…) She was surprised to hear that I actually cook some of my food! Wow! Understandable, though, if one hasn't read The Paleo Diet Book(s), that the mere name […]

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Nonna’s Meatballs… Paleo-ized!

This recipe is based on one from a dear friend, whose family has made their secret recipe for generations! While their version called for Reggiano Parm and day old bread crumbs from home made Rosemary Foccacia, my rendition was perfectly Paleo and really didn't leave anything to be desired in the taste department! She shared […]

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“Food” With Health Benefits

I laughed out loud at the 'foods' photographed as part of an article in today's NY TImes entitled "Foods With Health Benefits, Or So They Say". Puffed rice cereal claiming to 'increase immunity', frosted children's cereal with an announcement about its ability to help improve concentration and a non-dairy butter substitute which 'helps' promote heart […]

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Paleo Condiments… Are There Any?

Absolutely! Granted, you're not going to be using corn-syrup laden catsup or dousing your filet in steak sauce with MSG (the mere thought of ruining that lovely cut of grass-fed beef is beyond me…)but that doesn't mean you need to throw out the idea of all types of seasonings, dressings and even jus! The easiest […]

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