What is Coconut “Manna”?

As far as I'm aware, it is a term developed by the company Nutiva, as they have it trademarked, and following is how they describe their product: "Coconut Manna™ is creamy whole coconut food that will delight people looking for coconut butter, coconut cream, coconut oil butter and coconut body butter." Being a die-hard coconut […]

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All This Talk About Eggs…

Had me thinking a lot!I use eggs regularly in my own diet, as well as in clients' diets. After a few recent posts discussing whether one should eat whole eggs vs whites, powdered vs fresh and keep the yolks intact or scrambled, I came up with an idea.  I'm sure its not something others haven't […]

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Are ” SUPER FOODS” Paleo?

Maca, Acai, Goji Berries & Chia Seeds… just to name a few, are hot topics of conversation with regard to whether they have a role in The Paleo Diet as well as if they are actually all they are touted to be. Does Maca really increase libido? Will drinking an Acai smoothie truly help to […]

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Paleo “Challenges”

What a great idea!   This concept is becoming more and more popular at Cross Fit Gyms as well as unexpected places like at the office or even at home.  For a given period of time, the participants agree to be completely Paleo for a given length of time, often thirty or sixty days. If […]

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Chicken Liver!

I find it interesting when I speak to people who are ABSOLUTELY carnivores, who say they don't fancy eating any of the 'bits' (like organ meat or skin); only skeletal muscle and what was once subcutaneous or intramuscular fat. Or course, preparation technique is HUGE.  While I quite enjoy the crisped skin of a beautiful […]

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Government Proposes New Guidelines for Food Ads Aimed at Kids

An article in today's NY Times discusses "the federal government's proposal of sweeping new guidelines on Thursday that could push the food industry to overhaul how it advertises cereal, soda pop, snacks, restaurant meals and other foods to children. Citing an epidemic of childhood obesity, regulators are taking aim at a range of tactics used to market foods […]

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How To Eat Your Greens

Yes, i recognize that I'm a bit of a extremist, when it comes to kale, chard or most any other green; it's not the least bit uncommon to find me snacking away on a bunch of leaves at any given time (except during training!).  Rinse them, spin them dry and take them to go with […]

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Giving Away Your Mixer Since You’re Paleo? THINK AGAIN!

WAIT! Just because you're no longer mixing cake batter or bread dough is no reason to give away the Kitchen Aid! I nearly did exactly that- my husband and I received the ubiquitous Kitchen Aid Mixer as a wedding gift. However, fortunately, I was having a wander around Williams Sonoma (my Disneyland- as you know! […]

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