In today's NY TIMES, Mark Bittman's article highlights how it's actually NOT that time consuming to prepare healthy meals. He points out that 'real food is cooked by real people' and that unfortunately, people are cooking less than ever. Just don't "have enough time" to grocery shop and cook healthy food for yourself and […]
Read More ›Hello Nell, I'd like to make a paleo sauce! So far, my eating has been sauceless (smile). I'm allergic to tomatoes, peppers, eggplant and potato (nightshades). I was hoping you could help! Maybe something with mushrooms?Thanks in advance, I really enjoy reading your blog! -Lea in Canada Hi, Lea!Your question is a great one, and […]
Read More ›Happy New Year! For those of you who may have lived it up a little too much last night, I chose this recipe because it has recently been brought to my attention that there have been studies done investigating the possibility of asparagus aiding in the prevention and/or cure of a hangover. (Click HERE to […]
Read More ›if 2010 wasn't all you wanted it to be, there's no need to dwell and focus on regret. Of course, we can apply this concept to all things in our lives, but, being that my blog is a Paleo Blog- we'll stick to the theme of eating for optimal health. Perhaps you've read the Paleo […]
Read More ›Following along the same theme as the post from a few day's ago, I thought it timely to speak to those of you who have decided you're ready to be Paleo, and this is the right time, but may be having a bit of difficulty converting all your former eating habits. I've found some clients […]
Read More ›In lieu of having guests come to your home for a cocktail party before heading out to the main event, why not focus on offering some fabulous Paleo Apps? If you and your guests are heading elsewhere for a gala, no need to worry that they can be sure to get their fill of drinks […]
Read More ›We've all got people in our lives who we KNOW would benefit so much from following The Paleo Diet; our co-worker with the lingering stomach problems, our friend with the acne that won't go away or our elderly neighbor with debilitating joint pain. We see people in passing that would fare far better as well… […]
Read More ›Did you get in that last bit of dairy, grains & beans last week before you ‘went Paleo’ on Jan. 1? I’d suggest another approach. Just as New Year’s Eve Resolutions don’t tend to stick for lots of people, rather than tell yourself that you will arbitrarily be ready on Jan 1 for something you […]
Read More ›As luck (or practice) would have it; we were left with only a little bit of leftovers from yesterday; which is fine since, as we all know, one can only take so much turkey soup! In fact, that is the very reason I have opted for a turkey breast the last few years, rather than […]
Read More ›I think they liked it… LOVELY Paleo Christmas with good friends…nearly nothing left to speak of! Check in tomorrow for a recap… Happy Christmas!
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