Gingerbread Men? Sorta…

Google 'gingerbread men' recipes and you're bound to come up with recipes including flour, butter and sugar, three things we definitely need to avoid at all costs on The Paleo Diet! However, there's certainly no problem with eating ginger, and the spices that you'd commonly see in any traditional recipe, like cinnamon, nutmeg & cloves. […]

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Cheers! A Christmas Day Toast (And Not The Bread Kind!)

While we Paleos certainly don't make it a habit to partake of boozy drinks with any regularity, it's nice to have an option that's not uber-sweet, but still festive and something that guests would enjoy to have on Christmas Day rather than… a glass of water in a Santa Mug. Pomegranate, to me, is a […]

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A Good Christmas Eve (Paleo! )Curry…

My British Husband introduced me to the idea of 'a good curry slap up' shortly after we first started dating.   Can you do Paleo Indian?OF COURSE! It's quite fun to prep and has certainly introduced me to a literal world of new spices, seasonings & aromatics. We've made it into our own little tradition […]

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Grab A Peppermint Stick, For Old St. Nick?

Or maybe just some peppermint? Simple tip- a sprig of real peppermint, or a dash of real peppermint extract in a cup of black espresso, dark as midnight on a moonless night, can add a little seasonal twist to an otherwise usual, albeit delicious, start to the day.  Want a little extra treat?  Top it […]

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Turkey Practice

A good friend of mine, who's a fab cook, was nervous this past Thanksgiving about her turkey not coming out well.  She, like many others, was fearful it would be too dry. Practicing certain dishes makes sense, like salads or veggie dishes, but a turkey?  Not too likely that a) you'll want to spend the […]

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Blog Post Time Change

Hello!Just a quick note to all my readers- fear not, when you do not see a post tomorrow AM at 6, PST… I'm doing a bit of experimenting with social media and have decided to see how a late afternoon post fares, as far as re-tweets and website traffic to MY STORE Thanks for all […]

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Paleo Pomanders.. The Edible Version

We may think pure Christmas Decor when we think 'pomander'. Easy to make at its most basic level: simple score even marks in a Navel Orange and stick whole cloves into the holes. Voila- an easy to make, and lovely, holiday scented craft idea. Or… How about turning it into a dessert? Wash, then slice […]

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The Paleo Diet Cookbook Sneak Peek # 2 – HOLIDAY SPROUTS

Does it get more seasonally appropriate than roasted (Paleo) sprouts as part of the holiday feast?  Quite timely to use this recipe as both another peek into our book as well as a tip to keep Paleo during the holidays! Brussels Sprouts with Shallots and Pecans  High in fiber, vitamin A, potassium and calcium – the delicate […]

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Mince Meat Pie… Yes, I Said MEAT!

When we think of mince meat pie for Christmas Dinner, chances are we're really thinking of mock mince meat pie, as in a medley of chopped apples, raisins, orange zest, apple and orange juices. However, the original was made of- guess what- meat! Here is one recipe for a traditional , real mince meat pie: […]

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