Starting a New Holiday Tradition

If you have little ones, you're up early opening gifts.  Perhaps you also have some cultural traditions; my grandmother of Norwegian descent, for example, liked to have us leave our shoes out front for Julenissen (Santa Claus) to fill with toys.   How about this one to add to the list:   A Christmas Day […]

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Oh, That’s Saucy!

Cranberry Sauce. The mere name brings to mind images of a jellied, sugary, can-shaped mass, which retains its shape even out of the can, only to be sliced, then wiggled onto a serving platter. Ingredients include cranberries, high fructose corn syrup and regular corn syrup (you get TWO types- great!). Rather than reaping any of […]

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Paleo Baking For Christmas….Sort Of!

  As a former Christmas Bake-A-Holic, I feel the pain of those of you who no longer want to inflict butter, grains, dairy and sugar upon friends and family as 'gifts'.   Before spending a stretch of time in my kitchen, I thought I'd see what I could come up with via a Google search […]

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Craving Cookies?

OK- let's get off on the right foot; I'm NOT doing this post to tell you to eat cookies all the time.   If you are someone, like me, who follows at the 100% commitment level, and, on occasion you'd like a safe (as in, not containing toxins such those found in grains or soy!) […]

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Seasonal Senses… Aside from Taste

Granted, the holidays traditionally come hand in hand with seasonally appropriate candies, cookies, pies, drinks and all out feasts. I'm not going to be unreasonable and suggest you throw that part out the window; I know I won't!  I'll keep true to form  with my eating, while still enjoying my Paleo versions of many of […]

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Got FAT?

OK, we've all got 'em.  That co-worker or relative that sends you emailed, forwarded (dumb) jokes, stories and warnings of the latest attempted crime or robbery, as well as links to funny YouTube videos. I swore I'd never be 'that person'… until this. A client forwarded me this link of a runner (whom I don't […]

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Poaching & Baking Fruit for the Holidays

Yesterday, one of my readers sent me a question:  "How do you bake apples?". Easy as pie- oh, dear, excuse the awful pun! You can make an easy, Paleo dessert by baking or poaching many different types of fruits.  Granted, apples and pears do come to mind first, as they tend to be locally available […]

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